Eine Sammlung unserer eigenen Videos über Köln und Indianapolis
Preview of Two Cities Event Featuring Author John Green at Central Library in Indianapolis
Best-selling author John Green delivers a lecture at The Indianapolis Public Library which is attended by staff at the Cologne Public Library in Germany via Skype connection. The lecture on September 14, 2015 entitled „Kurt Vonnegut, the Role That Literature Plays in Human Lives, and the Role That Indiana Has Played in My Life“ is part of the ongoing Sister Cities Initiative between Indianapolis and Cologne and was attended by high school students from both cities.
Indiana Jazz – Bach meets Baker
Eine tolle Werbung für die Städtepartnerschaft war das Jazz-Konzert „Indiana Jazz – Bach meets Baker” am 14. Okotber 2014 im voll besetzten Alten Pfandhaus in Köln.
Ein Portrait der Stadt Indianapolis.
Der zweite Film über die einzigartigen Beziehungen zwischen den Partnerstädten Köln und Indianapolis